Frequently Asked Questions - General

Working with reports

Working with tables

Working with application users

Logging In

What date format is used for reports?

Dates are displayed in month/day/year format.

How do I change my preferred time zone?

Some reports show date and time information relative to the viewer's preferred time zone.

Reports based on the viewer's preferred time zone include:

* For the Log Edit Report, Date/Time of Edit is based on the viewer's preferred time zone, but all other dates and times are based on driver log time zone.

To change your preferred time zone:

  1. In the SETTINGS menu, click User Preferences.
  2. Select a value from the Time zone for reports drop-down list.
  3. If daylight saving time is observed in your location, make sure the Adjust for DST checkbox is checked.
  4. Click the Save button.

I changed my preferred time zone, but this report still shows a different time zone. Why?

Some reports show date and time information relative to the time zone of the driver's record of duty status (aka driver log).

Reports based on driver log time zone include:

* For the Log Edit Report, Date/Time of Edit is based on the viewer's preferred time zone, but all other dates and times are based on driver log time zone.

The driver's time zone is the same time zone used by their assigned home terminal for that particular day.

How do I change my preferred units for distance and odometer?

The HOS application is designed to support drivers who operate in the United States or Canada. HOS reports therefore display distances and odometer readings in both miles and kilometers, to facilitate roadside inspections in either country.

Miles are the default units for distances within the application, however you may change the default unit to be kilometers using the User Preferences page.

To change your preferred units:

  1. In the SETTINGS menu, click User Preferences.
  2. Select a value from the Units for distance/odometer drop-down list.
  3. Click the Save button.

Points to remember:

Two employees share the same first and last name. How can I tell them apart in reports?

One option is to enter the employees' first and middle names in the First Name box (in the Driver Details or User Details page), or to enter a suffix -- such as Jr. or Sr. -- in the Last Name box.

Another option is to change your user preference to display both names and user IDs across the application.

Points to remember:

How do I page forward and backward in a table?

When there are more records (rows of data) to show in a table than can be displayed at one time, paging buttons will be visible for the table.

How do I change the maximum number of table rows that I can see at once?

The maximum number of rows that can be displayed in a table at one time without paging is controlled by your user preferences.

To change your preferred setting:

  1. In the SETTINGS menu, click User Preferences.
  2. Select a value from the Maximum rows per page drop-down list.
  3. Click the Save button.

* The setting applies to all tables in the web application.

Can I change the order in which records appear in a table?

Many tables in the web application allow you to change the sort order, so that you can more quickly find the information you need.

If a column heading is underlined text, that column supports sorting. The type of data shown in the column determines how records will be sorted.

For example:

* If there are more records in a table than can be displayed at one time, sorting will apply across all pages of the table.

To change the sort order of a table:

  1. Locate an underlined column heading.
  2. Click once on the column heading text to sort the records based on the values in that column.
  3. Click again on the same column heading text to reverse the direction of the sort.

I expected certain information to appear in this report, but the report indicates there is nothing to display. Why?

The absence of expected results can be an indication that the report parameters are set in such a way to exclude particular records from being shown in the table.

If you fail to see the information that you expect, check the following:

What is the difference between a user and a driver?

A driver is a person employed by a motor carrier who operates commercial motor vehicles as part of his or her duties. Any employee of the motor carrier who does not operate commercial motor vehicles is therefore a user.

Can I convert a driver into a user or a user into a driver?

No. Once an application user is created, the application user type cannot be changed. Each driver should have a driver account that allows him or her to login and perform driver-related functions. All other administrative functions should be based on the discretion of the company. This means that a driver who is also the owner of the company would have a single driver account authorizing entries as a driver, and a separate user account for administrative functions.

I was redirected to a page other than the home page when I logged in; how do I prevent that from happening?

If you request a page and you are not logged in, you will be redirected to the originally requested page when you successfully login. To land on the home page when you login, make your original request to either the Login page or the Home page. Alternatively, when you land on the Login page, go to your browser's url bar, delete everything after the '?' character, and hit enter. This will clear the page you originally requested from your session, and you should be redirected to the home page when you login.